Welcome to the Capoeira Angola beginners course in September! The class starts on Monday 9th of September 2024, but you are welcome to join the class later, as well. The group trains every Monday at the Oulunkylä seurahuone (Larin Kyöstin tie 7) 17.00–18.30. Bring your gym shoes, T-shirt and pants with you!
Read more and sign up
Welcome to spend a rich weekend of capoeira in honour of in the context of Pirkan Berimbau ry's 25th
anniversary celebrations!
Juhannuskylä School
Rautatienkatu 3-5
33100 Tampere
Note! The event includes school accommodation, for which those interested must register separately by 23
July 2023 by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The price for accommodation will be 20€ per
10.8 Thursday
19:00 - 21:00 Roda de Capoeira as part of the Tampere Night of the Arts
Aleksanterin katu 32, Park of Ratinannlinna.
11.8 Friday
12:00 - 16:00 Instrument maintenance & berimbau workshop. Juhannuskylä school.
18:00 - 21:00 Capoeira, Juhannuskylä school.
21:30 - xx pm Rauhaniemi sauna and evening barbecue. Sauna open until 10:30 pm
12.8 Saturday
11:00 - 14:00 Roda de Capoeira, Tammela market
15:00 - 18:00 Capoeira, Juhannuskylä school.
20:00 -> Roda de Capoeira & Forro; Ravintola Laituri, Suvantokatu 1, Ratina
13.8 Sunday
12:00 - 15:00 Capoeira, Juhannuskylä school
16:00 communal dining.
Pirkan Berimbao Association
FI49 5731 8240 0250 62
Reference 7003
The whole event Thursday-Sunday 90 € / Fri or Sun 45 € / Sat 65 €

Already traditional easy going capoeira event in the galaxy far far away, in almost legendary atmosphere.
Three full days of capoeira, music, training, parties, chill out, conversations, learning in and out, life, old & new friends, samba, forró, happiness.
Three day event early bird price until 31st of March for 75€. (norm. 80€)
Enroll on the Courses page
Vadiação de Páscoa - three days of capoeira, being together, food, party and sauna.
Three day event early bird price until 31st of March for 75€. (norm. 80€)
Enroll on the Courses page
We are pleased to welcome you to Tampere for a workshop of capoeira de angola.
Mestre Zé Baiano continues the capoeira de angola work of the late Mestre Gato Preto.
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Welcome to the Sol da Meia Noite from 21st to 23rd of July in Tampere!
We are pleased to inform you, that this years Sol da Meia Noite will be held in Haihara art center and Kaukajärvi Vapaa-aikatalo.
Register here!
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