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Workshop by Profs. Macaco Branco & Turista in Helsinki 1.-3.11.

Capoeira Força Natural Professores from Jyväskylä and Oulu will give a joint workshop in Helsinki in the first weekend of november. We will have classes separately and together for beginners and advanced and a lot of time for rodas. Welcome!

Place: Nuorten toimintakeskus Happi, Sörnäisten rantatie 31

Fri 1.11. start at 17.30 with info
training from 18.00-20.00 Macaco Branco advanced / Turista beginners
roda all together at 20.00-21.30

Sat 2.11. start at 17.00
training from 17.30-19.30 Turista advanced / Macaco Branco beginners
roda together 19.30-21.00

Sun 3.11.
Music/training at 13.00-15.00
Training/roda at 15.30-17.00

Sing up to Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen. how many days you participate/do you want to eat dinners/possible lunch on sat together (around 5 euros/food)

Whole wekend of capoeira 40 euros
one day 25 euros

Pay to account: HC-Galeira ry. FI2847464020002278 and write in message: Workshop 1.-3.11.13

Food will be made on fri & sat evenings for people who sing up for food by 28.10 via e-mail.