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8° Encontro de Capoeira Sol da Meia Noite

8° Encontro de Capoeira Sol da Meia Noite

"…Quem viram aque uma vez camarada, vai voltar.
…vai voltar aprender capoeira, vai voltar."

Welcome to Finland to the city of Tampere. In a country which is also known as the land of the midnight sun. In the scenic views of the Haihara manor we will have guests like Mestre Russo from the Roda Livre de Caxias. Among Mestre Russo there is capoeiristas from the Cosmos Capoeira who represent the younger generation of the Roda Livre.

Ask your finnish capoeirista friends for experiences from the ”Solttis”.
Training will take place in the Kaukajärven Vapaa-aikatalo with-in a short and beautiful walk from Haihara mansion.
3 days/100€, 2 days/80€, 1 day/45€.
Advancement of 20€ will be paid on subscription and the rest in the workshop.
Account: FI63 1469 3000 2434 99 , Força Natural
Reference nr.: 1007

Groups and foreigners: INFO: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


- Registration from 5 pm. at Vapaa-aikatalo.
- Capoeira: 6 pm. -8 pm. [ grupo A, grupo B ] (Vapaa-aikatalo)
- Roda: 8 pm. - 9.30 pm.  (Vapaa-aikatalo)
- Dinner: 10 pm. + Carnaval Sertanejo (Haihara manor)

- Capoeira: 11 am. - 12.30 pm. [ grupo A, grupo B, grupo C ] (Vapaa- aikatalo)
- Capoeira: 1 pm. - 2.30 pm. [ grupo A, grupo B, vadiação, sambabateria / sambadance ] (Vapaa-aikatalo)]
- Capoeira: 3 pm. - 5 pm. [ grupo A, grupo B, grupo C ] (Vapaa-aikatalo)
- Dinner: 5.30 pm. (Haihara manor)
- Roda de Sol da Meia Noite starting at 8 pm. + Carnaval Sertanejo (Haihara manor)

- Capoeira 12 pm. - 1.30 pm. [grupo A, grupo B, grupo C (Vapaa-aikatalo)]
- Capoeira 2 pm. - 3.30 pm. [grupo A, grupo B, vadiação, sambabateria /sambadance] (Vapaa-aikatalo)
- Roda de Boa Viagem 4.30 pm. (Haihara manor)
- Dinner (Haihara manor)

Grupo A =  more than 3 years of capoeira, grupo  B =  1-3 years of capoeira, grupo C =  0-1 year of capoeira.
Vadiação classes are music and dance lessons where one can lighten his or her training schedule, sparing strength for the rodas and happenings on the evening.

Places and busses:

Kaukajärven Vapaa-aikatalo.
Address; Käätykatu 8
Bus 21 to Annala.

Haihara centre of culture; Kahvikamari.  
Address; Haiharankatu 30, Kaukajärvi.
Bus 15 to Kaukajärvi (the end of the line)


Mestre Sirí & Capoeira Força Natural